Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I Took Action From My Last Post To Change My Circumstances

Well, you guys remember how I said I'm tired of being broke in my last post? I took action! I sat in the room for a while thinking to myself, "How do I make some money?" I looked in my room and throughout the house to see what can I profit from. I realized I had the biggest goldmine ever the whole time. That goldmine is my mind. Since then I've made $243 in the last 3 days. I know that's not a heap of money, But it's amazing to me to create that with my mind. I just hope I can keep up the work and keep trying to the best of my abilities. I'll let you guys know more of my story as I go along with my journey. Oh, and I just finished my mixtape the other day. I will give you guys the link to the songs next post. I made 7 out of 9 of the beats on the mixtape. I mixed the whole tape myself. I recorded this whole mixtape in my room. I hope you guys enjoy it. All I know is I can only try the best I can. Oh, and next time I will also have to show you guys my logo for my "creative innovation" brand. Well, I got to get going. So long for now. Peace!

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